Charismatic Cheetah Podcast

Helping you think biblically about the spiritual gifts--and many other things.

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Saturday May 18, 2024

How do we discover what our spiritual gifts are? 

Monday May 06, 2024

Was 1 Enoch removed from the canon of Scripture? In this episode I go into why or why not. 

Sunday Apr 28, 2024

Are there good arguments for cessationism (the belief that certain more miraculous gifts, such as prophecy, healing, tongues, etc., have ceased)? Are there arguments that even a charismatic/continuationist (someone that believes all the gifts are still active today) find compelling?
I go into it here...

Saturday Apr 27, 2024

Where do both sides fall short? The answer may surprise you..because it's the same area, just in different ways. 

Friday Apr 26, 2024

Christians use a bunch of big words such as eschatology, soteriology, cessationism, continuationism, and more. For new Christians (and even seasoned ones) this can be intimidating or make one feel "less than." 
In this episode I define some of the more common terms. 

Friday Apr 26, 2024

Cessationists will often use a few proof texts to attempt to prove cessationism (the belief that the more "miraculous" gifts like prophecy, healings, tongues, etc. are no longer active today, but ceased at the end of the apostolic age).
I dive into these verses and come to a very different conclusion. 

Thursday Apr 25, 2024

Can a Christian be demonized, or demon "possessed"? A hotly debated topic in Christian circles, Ian Juby (Baptist Bigfoot Christian Memes & Creation Science YouTube), Josh Dills (pastor of Wellspring Tabernacle, Marble, NC), and I (Michael Young) have a civil conversation about this topic. 
Ian takes the stance that you can be demonized. Josh, that you can't. And myself, though I lean towards you cannot, am open to being persuaded either way.  

Wednesday Apr 24, 2024

Two little words in Mark 16:7 have always struck me as profound. Those two words are "and Peter..." 
In this sermon I look at Peter's denial of Christ and how God's grace was sufficient for Peter...and for you and me. 

Wednesday Apr 24, 2024

What is Moralistic Therapeutic Deism? Why is the teaching of pastors like Joel Osteen and Steven Furtick so dangerous?


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